16 July 2009

I've been 'jolted' into literary action

I've been 'jolted' into literary action again by a story that 'shocked' me.

Here we are, blogging, tweeting, googling, facebooking, beboing, whatevering on our computers, and the shrinks come along and spoil all the fun. I wrote about 'internet addiction' on this blog in March last year when Dr Jerald Block, a shrink based in Portland, Oregon said we should recognise that we're clinically disordered if we're involved in "Excessive gaming, viewing online pornography, emailing and text messaging..." Wonder if the doc's trying to tell us something about himself?

Anyway, the Guardian has now reported shock treatment for 'internet addiction' has been banned in China. Now, just a minute, who the hell allowed shock treatment for this load of mumbo-jumbo in the first place? Someone at the ministry of health in China obviously fell for doc Block's waffle.

The idea of shock treatment is bad enough, but when it's administered, at cost, for a load of shrinking hot air, bloggers, tweeters, googlers, facebookers, beboers and whatevers should blog, tweet, and whatever and denounce the killjoys who it seems are making a bunch of cash frying people's brains.

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