11 February 2009

You're joking, aren't you?

Two nurses working on a psychiatric ward, are up before the Nursing and Midwifery Council after a patient on the ward hanged himself. The Wiltshire Times reported that one of the nurses was playing computer games at the time, while the other nurse was having her hair styled by a colleague in the patients' smoking lounge.
On the web site http://www.courtnews.co.uk/, it was further reported the computer game the male nurse was playing at the time was 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire'.

What the hell was going through the minds of these nurses? Was it:

A) No one's going to find out we were mucking around
B) If anything bad happens, we'll look busy and pretend to be on duty
C) Never been caught before
D) Who cares

Phone a friend is still an option. Let's hope the friend is a lawyer...
P.S. None of the above answers are correct, as there are no excuses for such a tragedy. Shame on you nurses.

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