This line of questioning started when I read the story in a London paper called the Ealing Gazette about a psychiatrist Dr Michael Maier who has a collection of 6,000 brains coming at him. The collection was started 50 years ago to try and unlock the causes of mental illess.
Fifty years later, I guess psychiatrists are still trying to find the answers. The report says the collection is still being used worldwide to try and combat current illness so that means they haven't worked it out yet. I don't have a degree in the bleeding obvious, but could it have something to do with the fact mental illness doesn't have anything to do with brains? Again, I'm not an expert and I repeat, I'm willing to be corrected on this.
I know it's asking alot, but it might be worth it if psychiatrists started thinking outside the usual parameters. They might realise they're talking aload of boxes.
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