A shrink called Susan Young has said that almost half the prison population could have avoided a life of crime if treated as children for ADHD. Doc: how d'you know that then?
ADHD, as far as I can see, is a made up condition used by shrinks to label naughty kids. So, the doc's saying that if you drug kids early enough, they wouldn't be criminals and the prisons would lose half the current population.
The doc thinks that "...up to 45 per cent of youth offenders and 30 per cent of adult criminals have the condition that causes hyperactivity or inattentiveness." How d'you know that then?
As with any mental disorder, it's a case of 'in my opinion', 'studies suggest', blah blah. It's all made up. You can't see ADHD under a microscope. You're just going to have to believe the shrink. Let's face it, for those prisoners who get the diagnosis, they're getting 'kiddie-cocaine' drugs according to the Sunday Express last week. Loads of security is set up in prisons to prevent drugs being taken in, and what d'you know, the shrinks then give them the green light.
Brattish kids are a pain in the proverbial, but it doesn't mean we have to drug them. Don't listen to the doc and her mindless science.
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