I like to think I'm ready to listen to anyone, that I'm ready to shift my load over to the other side of the lorry,
ready to bang my head where I haven't banged it before - in order words try something new having opened my ears to the learned head shrinkers that throw stuff my way.
After all, there's some jaw-dropping stuff out there these days. How about Viva Rat Vegas? The story reported in the Daily Mail said rats gambled for sugar pellets using a slot machine-style device that featured three flashing lights and two levers they could push with their paws.
The rats were reported to have exhibited several behaviours associated with problem gambling such as the tendency to treat near-misses similarly to wins. Oh yeah? You got me thinking. If they exhibited several behaviours, what else did they do? I can see it now. They probably stayed up all night, got shit-faced on bottles of Scotch, picked up a doe who was gagging for it, and showed her a good time before heading back to the casino to try and win more sugar pellets.
You're probably going to say I'm being juvenile and silly. I suppose I could say the same of a bunch of grown men and women asking rats to play pretend slot machines before fobbing us off with bull fertiliser. My killer question would be lost and wasted on this bunch so I won't ask it.
It's quite insulting that intelligent scientists, chaps and chapesses who probably went to University and got all sorts of certificates and letters after their names, would compare people like me to a rat. If they find a rat that can write an intelligent blog and ruminate on the idiosyncracies of Homo Sapiens, then I might listen.
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