Just had to revisit this story. The nurse who was playing the 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire' computer game while a patient hung himself, has been allowed to carry on practising.
John Turver was given a caution by the Nursing and Midwifery Council and told he can continue nursing. Makes me wonder what a nurse is supposed to do then. If Turver can carry on nursing after a patient under his care dies, while he was doing something other than what he's paid to do, what does that say about the bosses who regulate nurses? As far as I know, playing computer games aren't on the list of skills required for working in a psychiatric ward.
But amidst all the turmoil, Turver (above) chose to 'phone a friend'. Guess it was the right decision. He's a winner as far as still being able to work is concerned.
Seeing as how computer games now appear to be acceptable, how about pushing the boundaries and going down the pub while on duty, meet up with the shrink Nick Cooling and have a couple of sherberts? I'm sure the boss won't mind and if a patient dies by hanging, you can always quote this case.
After all's been said and done, this kind of decision makes the mental health system a joke.