I've just stumbled across something the Yorkshire Ripper's shrink said earlier this year, and it begs a blog entry along with my fave question, 'How d'you know that then?'
The shrink, Dr Kevin Murray believes Peter Sutcliffe should never have been convicted of murder because Sutcliffe was too ill to know what he was doing and that he was suffering from diminished responsibility. Doc, I'm all ears: "How d'you know that then?" Doc Murray was also backing Sutcliffe's application to be released. As I'm writing this, I'm aware Sutcliffe didn't get released. The High Court Judge wasn't hoodwinked by Doc Murray and his beliefs. Talking of beliefs, I find it hard to believe Doc Murray thought Sutcliffe's release would really happen.
Michael Bilton, the author of the piece published in the Daily Mail, makes a damn good observation. He says, "...if Sutcliffe's doctors have successfully treated his claimed mental sickness, as they seem to suggest, I can't work out why Sutcliffe has not been sent back to serve his sentence in a maximum-security prison."
So here we are, 27 August 2010, about six weeks down the road from the decision to prevent Sutcliffe's release. Despite all the publicity, I'll bet Sutcliffe is still in Broadmoor Hospital right now and Mr Bilton's observation stands up even more robustly.
In summary then:
1) According to Doc Murray, Sutcliffe was well enough to be released
2) The Judge, As far as I know, didn't miraculously metamorphose into a psychiatrist and usurp Doc Murray's belief that Sutcliffe was well enough to be released
3) The decision not to release Sutcliffe, as far as I know, did not result in his contracting a new mental illness
4) Sutcliffe, as far as I know, returned to Broadmoor Hospital following his Court Hearing
Are you following my thought pattern here? How come Sutcliffe hasn't gone to prison? It's not as though it's because he might get hurt in prison. He was attacked in Broadmoor and got pretty mashed up by the look of it.
Might try to get hold of Mr Bilton to ask him for his thoughts on the matter.