Male post natal depression affects child behaviour', says psychiatrist Dr Paul Ramchandani. Ahem... how d'you know that then?
'Psychiatrists warned that the findings could be a portent of future social problems as paternal postnatal depression becomes more widespread.' How d'you know that then?
'Postnatal depression is said to affect about one mother in 10 but is less well recognised, and more controversial, in new fathers.' Yawn, how d'you know that then?
'The latest figures, which are not divided by sex, point to a "persisting and clinically significant level of disturbance" that has significant implications for the future functioning of the children affected and for society.' Yawn, yawn, how d'you know that then?
'Conduct problems at this age are strongly predictive of later serious conduct problems, increased criminality and significantly increased societal costs.' Yawn, yawn, how d'you know that then?
'The finding from this study that paternal depression early in the child's life is associated with these persisting problems… [raises] the possibility that such a sensitive period may be operative, particularly in relation to the effects of parental depression.' Yawn, yawn yawn, how d'you know that then?
Ah, last paragraph. I've woken up now. It says:
'Ramchandani said his study showed the importance of recognising depression in new fathers and providing effective treatments for it.'
Of course, silly me, '...effective treatment for it.' Errrr, expensive drugs?